
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Sam Hurd Faces Additional Drug Charges For Trying to Buy 5 Kilos of Cocaine While on Bail

I think it will be impossible to ever remove OJ Simpson as the dumbest criminal on the planet, but Sam Hurd is in the top 5. By now everyone knows that he was trying to be Nino Brown while a member of the Cowboys and Bears. When he got arrested he was granted bail and at this point any normal person would lay low and try to figure out the best way to get out of the situation. But not Hurd, he allegedly trying to broker a deal while on bail to be 5 kilos and 200 pounds of marijuana. It is astonishing to me that Hurd would think that the Feds wouldn’t be paying attention to his and his associates activities. This is why he is high on the dumbest criminal scale. Hurd’s associates similar to Michael Vick’s friends turned on him as soon as the were caught. They have all pleaded guilty and will testify against Hurd. According to CBS Sports Hurd was back in court on Wednesday to have the new drug charges added to his indictment.

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